Live Data Collection

Live Data Collection

Fast IR Collection


  1. Installed Redline on your system and launch the tool

  2. Click the option Create Comprehensive Collector. Then browse to the location you would like to save the collector (preferably an USB or external hard drive).

  3. Before you save the collector, you can view and tweak the collection parameters by clicking the Edit Your Script link.

  4. Use Windows Explorer to browse to the directory and then double-click on the file named RunRedlineAudit.bat.



Update KAPE with the powershell script with the administrator command prompt:

powershell -ep Bypass .\Get-KAPEUpdate.ps1

Manually replace the Targets and Modules folders with the one inside KapeFiles-master

In order to run the Modules, place all the executables under KAPE\Modules\bin

Note: KAPE\Modules\bin\regripper should contains p2x5124.dll

Note: KAPE\Modules\bin\tln_tools should contains

Run different Target to collect different items

KAPE also provide a gui (i.e. gkape.exe)


Traditional Method of Collection


Below list out a list of information we need to collection during a live response on Windows PC.

Data to be collected

Command /Tools

System date and time

date and time

Time zone / Installed software / General system information /OS version/ Uptime /File system information


User accounts

net user


net group

Network interfaces


Routing table

route print

ARP table

arp -a

DNS cache


Network connections

netstat -abn

List of services and tasks

Microsoft autoruns

Loaded drivers

NirSoft DriverView

Open files and handles

NirSoft OpenedFilesView

Running processes

Microsoft pslist

Registry (config data)

Microsoft logparser

Event logs (login history)

Microsoft logparser

File system listing

Microsoft logparser

LR output checksum computation md5sums or hashutils


Below list out a list of information we need to collection during a live response on Linux PC.

Last updated