Basic EnCase

Creating a Case

  • Templates: has an extension of .CaseTemplate and is stored in the Users\Documents\EnCase\Templates folder.

  • Case information items with default values

  • Bookmark folders and notes

  • Tag names

  • Report template

  • User-defined report styles

  • Base Case Folder: By default, your cases will be stored in your Documents or My Documents folder.

  • Primary Evidence Cache : When EnCase loads an evidence item for viewing, it parses and stores metadata associated with that evidence item. Each acquired evidence item is assigned a GUID, and a folder by that GUID name will contain the cached data associated with that evidence item.

  • Secondary Evidence Cache: This location is for previously created caches

  • Case Info: several fields into which you can or should enter data pertaining to the case. The fields will vary according to the template you select in Templates

EnCase Folder Structure

  • EnCase creates subfolders called Email, Export, Tags, and Temp.

  • User need to manually created Evidence and EvidenceCache.

EnCase View


Verify Evidence

Evidence tab > drop down menu > Verify File Integrity > File Integrity/ MD5/SHA-1 / CRC Errors

Note: Add Evidence will automatically verify the new evidence file added to the case, also reopening the case will verify the evidence files which is not verified yet.

Timeline view

Tree Pane > Set Included > Timeline view > Higher Resolution or Lower Resolution

Date Types > select which timestamps to be viewed


First sort (either one of the following):

  • Open sort menu from Table toolbar

  • Double click the header of the column you want to sort

Second sort:

  • Hold down the Shirt key > double click the column header

Sort in opposite direction:

  • CTRL + double click column header

  • CTRL + SHIFT + double click the column header

Remove Sort:

  • Remove sort in the Sort menu

  • Double click

  • See images -> Set Include Folders button in the Tree pane, you can direct the content of the Table pane

  • EnCase displays images based on the file extension. After the file signature analysis has been completed, the files will display based on their file header information.

Disk view

  • Evidence tab -> Place the cursor on device -> Device -> Disk View

  • By default, you see a series of colored square blocks, each representing one sector. If you would prefer that each block represent a cluster, simply click the check box next to View Clusters on the toolbar for this view.

  • Blue blocks are allocated sectors or clusters.

  • The gray blocks with the raised bump in the center are unallocated sectors or clusters.

  • Go to a sector by typing in the sector number -> Go To feature from its menu on the Disk View toolbar

File Types view

  • Add File Type View > File Types > New

  • Add a File Viewer Open With > File Viewers > New File Viewer

Evidence Processor

File Signature Analysis

Create a new file signatures

Running File Signature Analysis against Selected Files

  • Blue check the specific files you want to run signature analysis on.

  • Click Entries. In the dropdown menu, click Hash\Sig Selected. The Hash\Sig Selected dialog displays.

  • Select Verify file signatures to run signature analysis.

  • Click OK and refresh the device after running

File Signature Analysis

  • Search for different types of results with filter

  • Find Entries by Signature

  • The results will be in Result tab

Hash Analysis

Creating hash libraries and hash sets

  • Before you can create any hash sets from within EnCase, you must first create a hash library container, which is a folder containing a series of file-based, database-like structures into which EnCase will store hash sets.

  • Tools -> Manage Hash Libraries

  • Manage hash libraries -> new hash library

  • Importing legacy hash sets into EnCase

Adding hash values to the hash sets and library

  • Query the hash libraries for a MD5 hash

  • Manage Hash Library -> Query

  • Add to hash library -> Right Click New Hash Set

Using hash values to identify/exclude files

  • Entries -> Hash\Sig Selected

  • Find Entries by Hash Category -> Result tab

Hash Analysis Summary

  • Creating a Hash Library

    • Tools > Manage Hash Library

    • New button

    • Browse for a folder -> click OK

  • Import hash sets from another library

    • Tools > Manage Hash Library

    • Click Import from the toolbar

  • Creating a Hash Set

    • Tools > Manage Hash Library

    • click New Hash Set. The Create Hash Set dialog appears

  • Adding Hash Values to a Hash Set

    • Hash the item by right click item Entries -> Hash\Sig Selected

    • Right click Entries -> Add to hash library

    • Choose the hash library to add to

    • Select one existing hash sets or create new hash set by right clicking

    • Select Fields

  • Adding Hash Values to a Hash Set from Results

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