
Prefetch file path


File name

  • Boot Prefetch:

  • Application prefetch: - .pf


The hash is a hash of the file’s path. In this example, CALC.EXE is located in C:\Windows\System32. If it were copied to another location (like the Desktop) and executed, a new .pf file would be created reflecting a hash of the new path

Boot prefetching vs. application prefetching

Boot Prefetching

  • Boot related files are scattered or fragmented on storage

  • Slow boot

  • Monitors up to 120 seconds at system boot time by Prefetcher

  • Monitor the file you use for booting and save the results to a file

  • Speed up booting with prefetched files

Application Prefetching

  • Cache manager monitors the first 10 seconds of application initial launch

  • Monitor the file used for 10 seconds and save the result as a file

  • Faster initial execution speed with prefetch files when rerunning prefetched applications

  • The maximum number of files is 128.

  • Automatically delete unused files when the limit is exceeded

Information that can be obtained from the prefetch file

  • Application name

  • Application Execution Count

  • Application's last run time (FILETIME, 64-Bit Timestmamp)

  • Reference list (path to DLL, SDB, NLS, INI, etc. required for execution)

  • Integrated analysis using file system time information (creation, modification, access time)

  • Automatic prefetch file generation when malicious code is executed

  • Boot-prefetch file detects malware loaded at boot

  • List of loaded libraries and files can be checked from the reference list

Prefetch File Analysis Tool

WinPrefetchView – Nirsoft

  • Analyze Prefetch file through Nirsoft WinPrefetchView

  • Select the folder with the Prefetch files in the Advanced Options

PrefetchForensics – Mark Woan

APFA(Advanced Prefetch File Analyzer) – ASH368

Windows Prefetch Parser – TZWorks

Prefetch Registry Key

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters

EnablePrefetcher Key:

0 = Disabled
1 = Application prefetching enabled
2 = Boot prefetching enabled (default on Windows 2003 only)
3 = Application and Boot prefetching enabled (default)
  • Task Scheduler calls Windows Disk Defragmenter every three (3) days

  • When idle, lists of files and directories referenced during boot process and application startups is processed

  • The processed result is stored in Layout.ini in the Prefetch directory, and is subsequently passed to the Disk Defragmenter, instructing it to re-order those files into sequential positions on the physical hard drive

Last updated