Nuix Processing

Workstation can be configured through Global Options (named Preferences in macOS). When Global Options are set, they are applied only to the current user’s profile and will persist until further changes are made. Configuration options for an individual user, such as metadata profiles, lists, and saved searches, can be saved as case options.

This window presents a list of existing profiles that have been created.

Use the “+” button to create a new profile.

Use the pencil button to edit/modify an existing profile.

Use the “-“ button to delete an existing profile.

When you create a profile, you have the capability to make it available to everyone (local computer), or just for a specific user.

Data Processing Settings

Nuix Workstation offers the following options for processing evidence:

Evidence Settings

Deleted File Recovery and Forensic Settings

Text Indexing Settings

For forensic E01 image, Perform Item Identification are usually selected. The checkbox essentially enables the MIME types tab. If this is not selected, Nuix will not be able to initially identify file types for classification under the Filtered Items section.

Traversal. For forensic images, I always select “process loose file and forensic images but not their contents”. This selection performs a directory listing of all files but does not perform any further analysis of file contents

Recover deleted files from disk images. I like to have this option enabled so deleted content is already identified and recovered prior to any further processing of the evidence. If I choose to do carving and indexing of unallocated space, I do that in a separate reprocessing step.

Decryption Keys

The Decryption Keys tab enables you to manage password lists and configure keys and passwords used when processing.

Password Discovery

Password bank for decrypting files enables you to manage password lists by adding manually or importing a word list via a txt file. The password bank:

  • Is done at the case level.

  • Provides ingestion time decryption time of items.

  • Supports the following formats:

    • Microsoft Office 2010+ (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx),

    • Microsoft Office pre-2010 (.doc, .xls, .ppt),

    • Adobe PDF documents (.pdf),

    • Zip archives (.zip),

    • 7Zip archives (.7z)

    • Bitlocker

    • FileVault2

The following options are displayed:

Example of Decryption

Export View > Export View to File to save the word list to a csv file

Copy the password list from the csv file to a text file

Reload Items from Source Data

Evidence Processing Settings > Decryption Keys > Word list > Import Words

Select our password txt file to import the word list

Select our word list in the drop down box

Wait for evidence processing to complete

Decryption Password will be shown

Worker Script

This tab allows you to deploy the scripts (or Java code) prior to starting your data processing. This allows you to carry out these operations at the earliest opportunity, improves efficiency and allows for a greater level of flexibility managing your investigation workflow.

In the Worker Script tab, select the language to enter your script.

Please refer to Nuix Scription Worker script section for more details

Pre-Filtering the Evidence

You can choose specific files or folders to add as evidence from within compound files here. Some examples include:

  • Exchange Database Files (*.EDB): Process only specific custodian mailboxes from within an EDB or select only a single custodian's Inbox or Calendar for processing.

  • Forensic Images (E01, L01, DD): Process only specific folders from within an image (Documents and Settings or Users).

  • NSF files: Selectively process-specific views from within a Lotus NSF file, instead of extracting all documents.

I deselect any volumes I do not want to include for analysis, typically only selecting the operating system volume and Unallocated Space.

Sample Processing Settings

Tier 1

In the ‘MIME Type Filtering’ tab deselect the following:

Tier 2

These settings will be run across only those files selected for deeper analysis. This will populate the Full Text Indices for those files, as well as allow for Near Duplicate highlighting, entity extraction and analysis/linking, and enhanced multimedia filtering.

In the ‘MIME Type Filtering’ tab deselect the following:

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